Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mining the Depths

Last night I finally began a new Bible study. I have now begun my journey into 12 weeks of study in Beth Moore's Daniel. For those of you who are convinced that Beth Moore's Bible studies are only for women, I challenge you to reconsider. While it is true that her studies are presented in a women's ministry format live, I have found that relatively little of the material is directly solely at women. Regardless of whether you choose to participate in a Beth Moore study or some other Bible study, hear the encouragement here: GET INTO BIBLE STUDY!

Last week while teaching my music appreciation class, it became clear that my students were not applying themselves to study outside of the classroom. I reprimanded them rather harshly, informing them that if they waited until the last minute, they would not be able to absorb all the information and would not perform well when the test came around. As I sat by myself later that day and allowed my mind to reflect on what I had said, my spirit was quickened and I began to feel convicted. It was as though God Himself were saying to me, "What a hypocrite! You expect more from your students that you are willing to commit yourself. You aren't devoting yourself to study of My Word in preparation for life's testings." The thought was clear and could not be missed; I was neglecting an important part of my life and it had to be corrected.

While I continued to think about my personal Bible study, I tried to justify myself. I was faithfully reading my Bible daily and praying. Why was I feeling this need for deeper study? Then it dawned on me. I don't expect my students to simply read their textbook in a casual manner and call that "studying." Just as I expect my students to pour over the text, grapple with its difficult passages, and seek out understanding and application, so God expects the same thing from my study of His Word. As a final blow to my attempted justification, I recalled that II Timothy 2:15 is not an optional instruction; we are commanded to study the Word of God in order to be approved by Him as workers that don't stand in His presence in shame. Something had to change….and it had to happen quickly.

I could go into a detailed explanation of WHY I chose this particular study at this time or the benefits of having a teacher (even one housed on a DVD), but I will just say that I realized that I needed to mine the depths of my Bible and find what new treasures await me there. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time in the Old Testament book of Daniel where I'll explore what it means to live a life of integrity in a world that supports anything but personal integrity. Why don't you join me on my adventure by making a personal commitment to increasing your level of study for the next three months? I have a feeling that if we do it, we will be changed for the better. All I know is that I'm ready for the dive……

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