Friday, September 17, 2010

Looking for Laughter

When's the last time you enjoyed a side-splitting case of laughter?  I'm not talking about a chuckle of amusement or a school girl giggle.  What I'm referring to is uncontainable, rolling laughter rising from the depths of your being.  For far too many of us, I fear that it's been long overdue.

Laughter releases tension from the body.  It often comes when we accept the fact that we have taken ourselves too seriously.  Laughing is a sure sign of joyfulness and is highly contagious.  Quite simply, laughter makes us feel good.

Since it's such a pleasant experience, why do we sometimes permit ourselves to go so long without experiencing it?  We become obsessed with the demands of our lives, never feeling as though it is permissible to simply let our hair down, relax, and give over to the joyful sound of a hearty guffaw.

It's been too long since I've enjoyed a laugh -- more than just a passing moment's snicker -- but a laugh that encompasses my entire being.  Tomorrow I will conduct an in-depth search in pursuit of this missing element.  I am confident that I will find it because I will seek it out with impassioned determination.  I will rediscover laughter and I will be the better for its return to my life just in the nick of time.


  1. I love laughter and as a teacher I get plenty of them through out my day. I also make a point to go to a local comedy club every few weeks and get some good laughs in. I thought I would share a post with you that I wrote about a weel ago. Please keep in mind that I had been working really long hours and it was really late at night when I did the time it was the finniest thing I'd seen in awhile. I hope you laugh...or at least giggle to get started!

  2. So funny, Cortney! Thanks for a great laugh. I often do the same thing with various insect bites (the bane of my existence in the South), but I've not actually drawn them out before. Classic! To be perfectly honest, the closing comment about stabbing yourself with the keys took me over the edge. I'm sure your students are constantly entertained in your class!

  3. I'm glad I could be of some assistance in your search for laughter! I hope you have a good weekend and can find a few more laughs, it really does a mind/body good.
