Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful 4: Health

Today, I am thankful for the blessing of health. Although almost every member of my family struggles with a minor (dare I say self-inflicted) health issue due to poor choices over the years, I am thankful that we are mostly in good health. Recent events have reminded me of how quickly it can be taken away.

Over the past few years, both of my parents have faced health issues that frightened my siblings and me. Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1998; earlier this year, Mom experienced issues related to her heart. Thankfully both of them have been given a clean bill of health and we now deal with health issues related to their age and weight -- although not insignificant, these health issues are more expected and manageable.

While having lunch today with my family, my sister made a comment that we could simply look at the table next to us and realize how good we have it. Immediately I knew who was sitting there since I had noticed the family enter the restaurant earlier. Who was at the table? A family of four -- the oldest child, a beautiful young woman confined to a wheelchair. It appeared as though she suffered with Muscular Dystrophy or some similar disease. I cannot imagine the trials this young family has faced nor the fear that each trip to the doctor brings. As I drove home, I found myself deeply thankful for the health of those closest to me and praying for this family I only knew from the restaurant.

I take my health for granted so often. Like many people, I never think that a health crisis will impact my plans. When a health issue arises, I am quick to complain because of the inconvenience it causes me and how unfair it is. If only I would stop and consider how often I am blessed with the gift of health, I think my complaining would be greatly reduced. Beginning today, I intend to be very intentional in noticing the blessing of health and strength this week. May I never take for granted this priceless gift given by a loving Creator.

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