Friday, September 23, 2016

Stress Busters

There's no doubt about can be stressful! Stress can result from busy schedules, difficult circumstances, or fear and dread of the future. Stress significantly affects our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Even though it is a normal part of life, it is important to learn how to effectively manage stress in order to live a full and healthy life. Here are some activities that I have found to be helpful in managing my stress. (This list is mostly intended to remind myself of some things I need to do in order to cope with what has quickly become a very stressful season of life.)

Physical Approaches to Dealing with Stress
  • Exercise/Physical Activity. I don't use this approach to stress reduction as often as I should, but it is very effective. By simply getting the body moving -- essentially putting stress on the physical body --  the mind is able to clear while the intake of breath from the exertion soothes the stress away.
  • Rest. There is no substitute for getting adequate rest during life's most stressful seasons. In all of the craziness of your schedule, look for opportunities to rest. Whether it's a quick nap, an early bedtime when possible, or just a moment to sit calmly on a bench away from the madness, times of rest reduce stress while keeping your body healthy.
  • Deep breathing. Sometimes I just need to take a good, deep breath to cleanse my body of the stress and allow things to begin functioning as they should.
  • Massage. Although it can be expensive, a professional massage can be worth the expense. While addressing sore muscles and joints, tension is released. Isn't that what stress busters are all about?
Emotional Approaches to Dealing with Stress
  • Look to friends and confidants. People need people. We all need someone to talk to.....someone to hear our hurts and concerns. Even if they can't offer solutions, it can be a relief to just have someone to listen. Additionally, spending times with friends can be a great source of relaxation. Whether laughing together while sharing a meal, catching a movie together, or having a deep conversation, friendships can be one of the best stress busters available.
  • Professional counseling. When friends are not enough, a therapist can be extremely helpful in identifying the source of your stress while developing coping mechanisms that will help you deal with the situation.
  • Hobbies. When stress is related to work responsibilities, getting back to favorite hobbies can calm the mind. Hobbies can include all sorts of things -- reading, sports, crafts, music, writing -- anything that gets your mind off of the regular responsibilities you face.
  • Journaling. Sometimes we just need to get some of the thoughts that are swirling around in our head down on paper. Writing ideas out can sometimes reveal solutions or at least show a way of dealing with stressful situations. While writing at the computer can be helpful, I personally find that writing things out by hand is the best way of releasing tension. Typing feels more like work. The physical motion of writing combined with the mental purge seems to bring the needed release.
Spiritual Approaches to Dealing with Stress
  • Daily Devotion. There is no substitute for prayer and Bible reading for the Christian dealing with stress. Prayer allows us to share our worries and concerns with a loving Heavenly Father, who promises to take our load and offers rest. Bible reading reminds us of God's promises while the very Word of God covers our hearts and minds.
  • Meditation. While I am not advocating Eastern meditation, I think there is something very powerful in thinking on the good things of God and passages of scripture that speak to specific situations in our life. By focusing our thoughts on a single idea, we begin to see other circumstances through that point of view.

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