Friday, March 20, 2015

College Search Tips

All over the country, many high school juniors are beginning their college search. This year, one of my nieces is getting the ball rolling. College has been a major part of my life. I truly believe that my school choices shaped the man I have become because of the people I met there, the opportunities I had, and the academic excellence I encountered at both institutions. As I have reflected on my own college search, I have thought about the parts of the process that were most challenging and the insight I wish someone had shared with me.

  • Relax and enjoy the experience! This is a major decision that you want to consider carefully...but it's also an exciting time. You are choosing a school to attend. It's the first major decision you have gotten to make as a young adult. Enjoy the process and don't let the decision overwhelm you. You have all the tools you need to make a wise choice.
  • Choose a field of study instead of a career path. Statistics suggest that a large proportion of college graduates will not major in the field that they will ultimate establish as their career path. The undergraduate experience is largely about learning how to process information. Find a major that interests you because you will be devoting a lot of time to the study of this field in the coming years. As you move through your college studies, you will be introduced to career paths in your discipline that you may have never realized were an option. Follow your interests now and trust that your career path will make itself clear in time. You don't have to have your entire future mapped out before beginning enjoy the experience of learning.
  • Figure out what things are important to you in a college. If possible, begin thinking about these issues before you really dive into the college search. It is important to learn those aspects of higher education that you value. This can be a challenging process as you will have input from your parents, teachers, and other well-meaning people. Listen carefully to their input and counsel, but remember that the final decision is yours alone. What types of questions should you ask yourself? Here are a few that I had to answer that will hopefully get you started. Is it important to attend a Christian school or do you just need to have a strong church nearby? Do you want to study in a bustling city or a quiet college town? Do you prefer a large state school with lots of social activities or a small campus that feels more like a family? There are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions...but answering these types of questions will help you narrow down your college selections.
  • Reputation matters! Some people are going to try to convince you that the only thing that matters is that you ultimately receive a degree. They are going to tell you that graduating from an inexpensive school is just as good as one of the Big Ten schools. Here's the truth.....THEY ARE LYING!!! THE REPUTATION OF THE SCHOOL THAT YOU ATTEND IS IMMENSELY IMPORTANT! Here's why....the name of your college will follow you for the rest of your life on every resume you submit. Think about this hypothetical situation....if you are suffering a life-threatening illness, do you want to be treated by a doctor that graduated from Detroit City College or Johns Hopkins University? See???? As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the school's reputation effects how we are perceived. Once you have a good idea about the field that you plan to study, do some research on the reputation of that program at various schools as well as the schools' reputations as a whole. A good place to start is the U.S. News and World Reports college report cards and information easily found on the Internet.
  • Dare to dream! There will be plenty of naysayers during your college search. 
      • "Why are you considering THAT school?"
      • "You'll never get accepted THERE!"
      • "That place is only for rich kids."
      • "You'll never make it that far from home."
    • I heard every one of these negative comments from some of the people closest to me while I was settling on my college choice. It was painful to hear their negativity and filled me with self-doubt. Thankfully, I had a wise mother who told me I'd never know what I could accomplish until I applied!
    • I recommend applying to multiple schools. One should be an absolute dream....if tuition was not a factor and I can manage to get admitted, this is where I would like to attend. This is the school that you are not even sure you can get into.....your grades and test scores might be just above the bottom threshold. Even though it probably won't work out, take the risk to apply......because THINGS MIGHT WORK OUT SO YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND YOUR DREAM SCHOOL!
    • Then apply to several reputable schools that are competitive and respected for which you qualify. Lastly, apply to a safe bet....a place where you are confident that you will probably be admitted and can be perfectly content spending a few years.
    • Above all, DON'T JUST SETTLE FOR WHAT YOU KNOW IS POSSIBLE; dare to shoot for the stars! Who knows? You may find that the stars are suddenly within your grasp!!!
    • Before moving on, let me say a brief word about money and the college search. Schools offer financial assistance of all types for a plethora of reasons. You may qualify for some of those institutional funds....but they will only be offered after you are admitted! In addition, there are federally funded loans and grants that allow students to attend college now and repay the loans once they have a job. Is it ideal to go into debt for a college education? That's a question only you can answer. I propose that student loans should be viewed as an investment in your future. If you are admitted to a prestigious college -- especially if it is your dream school -- you may find loan payments a very feasible consideration for your life.
  • Realize that your college years are a time to expand your horizons. Never again will life give you the opportunity to do so many things in a safe environment for so little expense. Have you always wanted to live in another state? Have you dreamed of studying overseas for a year? If so, look for schools that allow that dream to become a reality. It will be less expensive now than at any other time. Do you want to learn a little bit about a lot of topics? A liberal arts college might be the perfect match for you. Whatever has always been on your "I really want to...." list, look for a school that gives you the opportunity to do just that!
Selecting the perfect school is a difficult process. It will involve lots of research and consideration on your part. It will not be easy....but the rewards will continue to pay dividends for a lifetime! If you were to ask my advice, I would always suggest that you consider becoming a "Wave of Malibu!" But I also know that was the right decision for me.....Now it's time for you to begin your adventure of finding the perfect school for your college career.

Enjoy the search!

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