Friday, August 29, 2014

A Reason to Celebrate

While reading in the Biblical book of Leviticus recently, I was struck by the number of feasts and festivals set up in Hebrew law. Quite simply, God told the Israelites to make sure they took time to celebrate. Celebrations had a purpose, reminded them of their heritage, and involved the entire family. I wonder how much we would benefit if celebration became a more important part of our routine?

As Americans, we know how to party. We find it easy to get together with good friends to enjoy good food and good times. Despite our best efforts, it seems we've lost the focus of true celebration. Celebrations seem to be about much more than merely fellowship.

Biblical celebrations were often associated with important events. The Day of Atonement and Passover are examples of such sacred celebrations. Levitical festivals also celebrated the past. During the Feast of Booths, families constructed temporary shelters; the booths served as reminders of the Jews' wilderness travels while focusing on God's faithfulness and providence. Additionally, the Sabbath was a weekly celebration of sorts.

How would our lives be enriched if we began to include celebrations in our annual routine? Many families celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, but how often do we pause to reflect on the blessings we have received because of the birth and marriage? Imagine if we paused to focus on God, our Healer, each year on the anniversary of the day the doctor declared the cancer was gone. God's faithfulness could be remembered as we celebrate promotions or jobs found after long periods of unemployment. Some may find it important to celebrate deliverance from an abusive relationship or addiction. The reasons we have to celebrate are endless!

Whatever blessing you have received and want to remember, the lesson of Leviticus is clear: take the time to CELEBRATE with a purpose! I think it's time to begin inserting some personal holidays into my family calendar as we reflect together on the provisions and faithfulness of our loving God. Here are a few that I know I need to begin celebrating right away.

  • MAY 8, 2009 - Day of Deliverance
  • MAY 9, 2009 - Day of Completion
  • AUGUST 1, 2011 - Day of New Beginnings
  • MAY 15, 2008 - Celebrate the Healing
  • JULY 1, 2013 - Independence Day
What important anniversaries do you need to add to your calendar? Take a moment and let the celebrations begin!

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