Wednesday, August 6, 2014

In Dreams

Dreams come in many shapes and sizes. Some are hopes for ourselves. Others are wishes for the happiness of another. Sometimes dreams fill us with hope for a better tomorrow. Occasionally, a dream is so big that just thinking about it is overwhelming.

I've noticed that dreams most often come when our mind is at peace. Just as literal dreams flash through the mind while the body is resting and restoring itself, life's big dreams tend to be birthed during quiet seasons. We're in between projects, stress is relatively low, and we begin to entertain possibilities for the future.

Our dreams are often expressions of our deep-seeded desires. Things we have thought about before, but never dared to voice find their way to the surface as a dream. In the safety of a dream world, we are able to explore the options that our cognitive mind would normally brush away. In dreams, we are not forced to face the possibility of failure. In dreams, any fantasy has a chance of being reality.

Our dreams are influenced by our surroundings. Do you remember watching a movie right before bed and becoming a part of the story in your dreams that night? Our life dreams are also influenced by the world around us -- whether it's judgmental nay-sayers or people who have faith to move mountains. If you want a new dream (or a new outlook on an existing dream), it may be time to evaluate your daily environment.

Dreams can be frightening. Sometimes our fear is associated with the content itself. More often, I find that my fear is associated with the size of the dream. After all, the bigger the dream, the greater the possibility of failure. For those of us who tend to dream big, we know that it can be both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing when we see limitless possibilities. The curse comes as we begin to share our dream with others; few things can be more discouraging than realizing you didn't effectively convey the dream to another person.

Dreams are not reality. They are temporary expressions of what could be. Fortunately, our dreams can become reality if we are willing to risk, work, and keep believing. When a road block appears, our dream demands we courageously look for another solution. As we get tired of all the hard work, the dream must be revisited to remind us the outcome will ultimately be worth the high price.

I'm finding that a new dream is taking shape in my own heart. Truthfully, it's not entirely new; it's a rebirth of an old dream. The enormity frightens me. The task is huge. I'm certain challenges lie ahead. The dream may never become a reality, but I'm not willing to spend the rest of my life wondering "What if?" So, I'm keeping the dream in mind and slowly taking steps to make it happen. Even if it doesn't come about in the way that I hope, I have to believe that my life will be enriched by daring to give birth to my dream.

What dream is in your mind today? Dare to imagine how your life would look if you courageously took the first step toward fulfilling your dream. After all, a dream is nothing less than a wish your heart makes!

Sweet dreams to you, my friends!

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