Friday, August 30, 2013

Tattered Pants

When I come home from a long day of work, the first thing I want to do is get comfortable. Call them lounge pants, pajama bottoms, or sleep pants......putting these pants on is a highlight of my day. My body is comfortable, my mind is at rest, and I'm ready to enjoy the last few hours of my day. While I have several pairs of them, there is one pair that I always go back to......or at least that I always WENT back's the story.

The pants are certainly not a fashion statement. They are beige with large blue stripes. I've worn them for several years now and they have begun to show their age. The fabric has thinned. The edges have begun to fray. The elastic waistband has started to peek through the cloth. Several holes have formed. Actually, "holes" is probably an inaccurate word choice. "Craters" would be a more truthful depiction of the tears.

Earlier this week, I was relaxing in my room wearing these favorite pajamas. I turned and heard fabric tearing. My heart sank, but I still didn't want to accept the inevitable. Another movement lead to a more pronounced ripping sound. This sound was accompanied by a breeze along my right leg though. Not only had the pajamas torn, the entire seam along the leg had come apart! Thank goodness there was no one around! I would have been petrified!

Alas, I had to say goodbye to my pajama pants. (For the record, there wasn't enough of the leg remaining to attempt turning them into shorts either!) They found their way into the trash heap. If a sanitation worker runs across them, I'm sure they will conjure some interesting story! Oh well, now I'll just have to start the process of finding a new favorite pair of sleep pants.

P.S. I plan to enjoy the Labor Day holiday with my family on Monday, so there will be no new post. Livin' Life will return on Wednesday with the latest edition of "Hits and Misses."

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