Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Rough Start......

I didn't think that getting keys to my classroom would be such a saga. I've been trying to obtain them for two days and still haven't had any success. It almost feels as though the "powers that be" are conspiring against me - LOL!

It all began Monday morning. My first class of the semester was scheduled to begin at 8am. I was expected to get keys last week at adjunct orientation (which is a total waste of time in my opinion since the content has been exactly the same for 6 semesters in a row), but was out of pocket due to a rehearsal I had previously committed to.  I didn't think it would be a big deal.....I showed up in the office at 7:30 to sign in for my keys. At 7:55, I finally had to ask a colleague to unlock the door to my classroom. The single person who can issue keys still had not arrived on campus by the end of my class.

My Tuesday class is in the evening. I realized that given the potential for ice and the fact that the lone authorized key agent was a day-time employee, I should probably head to campus to get the key. Before leaving my house at 10:30, I checked the college's website to make sure there was no announcement of plans to close early. I pull onto campus just before 11 and discover a ghost town, but the buildings are still unlocked. I go to the academic office to find the lights out and the doors sealed shut. As I return to my car, I learn that the campus was closed at 11am (the only way I knew what was going on was thanks to the plasma television -- educational funds hard at work -- flashing announcements).

Is it a big deal? Not really. Is it inconvenient?  Definitely. The beginning of a new semester is always that's nothing new. I understand why the keys are turned in at the end of each semester. Honestly, I'm really not's just been a rough start to another semester (that I really haven't been looking forward to) and it seems as though nothing is going smoothly yet. I guess I've just been thrown off-kilter by the ragged schedule that will be interrupted again with the MLK holiday on Monday. I just need a stable routine.......then I won't be so cranky in a few days.

Now I think I'm going to crawl back in bed (at 6pm) and see if rolling out on the OTHER side will improve what's left of my day.  Happy Hump Day, y'all!

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