Monday, January 18, 2016

Hits and Misses (January 10-16)

Here's a look back at the week that was...
  • Another semester has gotten underway. It looks as though the Spring is going to be a little calmer than the Fall was. That's a good thing!
  • I had my first rehearsals this week for my upcoming faculty recitals. Neither is ready to go to stage yet, but it was nice to see that the music is progressing and will be ready in time for each performance.
  • There's excitement in the School of Music with the hiring of two new faculty members this term. A candidate for the choral education position visited with us this week and made a very positive impression on everyone.
  • Since this will be one of the final long weekends before Spring Break, I decided to escape Plainview and headed east. Enjoyed a change of scenery, great restaurants, and a much needed massage while visiting Fort Worth.
  • Nothing is more upsetting than getting a call that the Geriatrics are on the way to the ER. Everything turned out fine, but I didn't rest well on Sunday evening after getting the call.
  • In the middle of an extremely busy week, I found myself dashing around to get everywhere I was supposed to be. You can imagine I was a little frustrated to arrive at one appointment only to realize that I had been replaced but not informed about it. I was glad I didn't have to play, but I would have liked to have found out earlier in the day.
  • Round-abouts are not what you want to encounter when driving in an unfamiliar city. I still haven't found that store!
  • It never fails! If I don't make a list before packing a bag, I'm going to forget something I need. This time it was my medicine.

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