Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Annoying Sounds

Most people can identify the sound that most annoys them. Fingernails on a chalkboard. The incessant clicking of a ballpoint pen. Fingers mindlessly drumming the desk. Gum smacking in an open mouth. Noisy chewing. I must admit that many of these sounds can send me into orbit, but I'm discovering a new sound that is driving me crazy. The sad part is that the noise is coming from my piano.

I have a lovely Steinway Model A grand piano in my studio that I get to work with each day. When I first became acquainted with it, I wasn't sure we were going to have a good relationship. The action was stiff and I simply could not produce the tone colors for which I was striving. As time passed and as I got to know the instrument's idiosyncrasies, I grew very fond of my constant office companion and friend. I have fallen in love with its tones that can be brilliant and richly warm.

As west Texas weather continues to fluctuate wildly, the Steinway is developing new sounds. The sound varies from day to day and appears in different registrations of the piano. The sound can only be described as an obnoxious rattle. Today, it appears in the middle of the instrument. It is not associated with a single note either -- that would allow me to avoid certain keys -- so an E major chord rattles in one way while activity centered around F major generates a different frequency of annoyance.

I'm not a piano technician, so I can't speak with absolute authority on the matter. It appears that the unstable humidity in the atmosphere -- and my office -- is causing the sound board to expand and retract. The result of the wood's movement is the loosening of pins that begin to rattle when they are played. Even though I can't completely diagnose the problem, I know the impact it is having on my life. I am finding myself avoiding prolonged periods at the piano because I can't achieve the sound I desire through no fault of my own. While a non-musician may not be distracted by the rattle, it is driving me nuts. I have spent my life tuning my ears to the tones coming from my instrument and how my attacks and releases of the keys effect the sound that is produced. It's almost as bad as playing on an old piano that is horribly out of tune.

So here I sit with my treasured friend, longing for the day that things finally settle down and the unwelcomed rattle goes away. I'm ready to once again fully enjoy the sounds coming from this amazing instrument!

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