Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Heart for Children's Ministry

Today has been a full day of meetings as things are slowly gearing up for a new semester of classes to begin in a few weeks.  While sitting in faculty orientation (again!) this afternoon, I began to think about my oldest niece, Jacquelyn.  I am certain that she will be sitting in a similar seminar in the near future as she receives final preparation to begin her student teaching in fulfillment of the requirements for her Bachelor's degree.

While pondering Jacquelyn's successes, my mind wandered back to the summer in the late 1990s when an 8-year-old girl and her daddy returned to Arkansas and moved back into our lives.  I had known Jacqs and seen her several times, but it was because of this relocation that she and I developed a very close personal relationship. If only I had known then that there would be three little girls who would capture my heart and teach me so much about joy, family, and love.

As I look forward to Jacqs' future in the classroom and her upcoming nuptials this summer, I am filled with pride.  I am proud of her academic achievements, obviously, but I am also proud to see the Godly young woman that she has become.  I have the privilege of saying that I was a part of her spiritual development because of our family connection and because she was a student in the children's ministry that I continue to serve.

The responsibility for the spiritual formation of a child rests firmly with the parent according to Deuteronomy 6.  The church, however, plays an important role and is to serve as an aid to the parent.  Since I don't have children of my own, I feel especially blessed to have the opportunity to assist families in training their children in the ways of the Lord.  For me, there is no higher calling.  Why?  I was hoping you would ask that very question.

The Psalmist proclaimed that "children are a heritage from the Lord." (Psalm 127:3)  Many times, I think we fail to understand the full implications of this verse.  The World English Dictionary states that the word "heritage" suggests "something that is reserved for a particular person or group;  anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition."  (http://www.dictionary.com/ c.v. heritage)  Two points leap out at me in this definition.  Firstly, children were reserved for their parents -- they were paired up by God Himself with a specific purpose in mind.  That's simply amazing!  Secondly, children have been transmitted and handed down.  In other words, when children were given to parents, God was entrusting the physical, emotional, and spiritual care of these defenseless little ones to other created beings.  What incredible trust the Father shows parents!  What an overwhelming (and terrifying) responsibility!!!  What an amazing opportunity!!!!

I believe that children are also a heritage to the local church.  When you see a church that is blessed with children, you find a body of believers that is bubbling with energy, joy, laughter, and hope.  The walls may be scuffed up, ceiling tiles may often be out of place due to an errant kickball, and sermons may be punctuated by shouts and cries from children.  But there is also excitement.....there is authentic wonder at the God of Creation.....there is faith that God can do ANYTHING......and there is assurance that God has been faithful and will continue to be faithful in all situations and circumstances.  I am honored to be a part of a local body of believers that values children and I am so thankful that the children in my life have reaped (and continue to reap) the benefits of that commitment. 

Are my three beloved nieces perfect?  Certainly not.....not by a long shot!  (Sorry to break the news to you guys, but it had to be done!)  Do they make mistakes and fail?  Of course, they do.  Do they disappoint me from time to time?  I have high expectations for all three of the girls, but from time to time they have let me down.  But here's the most important question:  Do I have confidence that they are pursuing a relationship with a loving Heavenly Father?  Yes, most definitely!!!  Despite the occasional doubts and questions they face, I know that they have a sure foundation that is built upon the Truth of God's Word.  Much of the training they have received has come from the teaching of God-fearing children's ministries they have been involved with.  Now, as my nieces near the end of their time in children's ministry, I'm ready to begin giving that same foundation to a new generation of kids by continuing to be actively involved in ministry to children. 

Who wants to join me?  I can assure you that there will be moments when you feel you have nothing to offer.  Time ministering to children promises to be filled with lots of love, adventure, and skinned knees.......and the joy that comes from watching these young disciples develop into the mature, world-changing Christians that they were designed to be!

For the love of Kids!

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