Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rediscovering Christmas

Christmas used to be one of my favorite holidays. I loved the lights, the music, and the joy that filled the air. I found a thrill when Santa Claus made his first appearance and there was excitement in every store. Children laughed and adults seemed to turn their attention to those things that were most important. Somehow though I lost the thrill of the holiday in recent years and began to dread it. I simply wanted to skip from Thanksgiving to the New Year.

Christmas no longer was a source of joy. It was a season of increased work and immense stress. By the time all of the "work" was done, I had to hustle to purchase gifts and plan menus. The reality of a "Silent Night" was inconceivable. I wanted to honor the Savior's birth, but what I really wanted to experience was a few days of "peace on earth."

This year, things are different. I have intentionally built a calendar that is much less packed this December. I'm taking time to enjoy Christmas movies with my parents. Today, I found myself sitting in the living room with nothing on my agenda as I stared at the lights on the tree. I've enjoyed participating in some holiday performances with friends. Now I'm gearing up to make memories in the kitchen as the season's baking begins.

What's changed? I have. My focus has shifted to the One we celebrate instead of the pageantry of the season. My prayer this year is that I will have a new understanding of Jesus as the Prince of Peace and that I will enjoy the holiday with a new level of peace that has been absent for too many Christmas celebrations.

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