Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Living Among the Crazies!

I'm convinced that I have surrounded myself with some truly sick people. Not those suffering from illnesses. No, I'm talking about people who are truly disturbed and have sick senses of humor. The sad part of this fact is that most of the sick people I'm talking about are members of my family.

I suppose it's probably true of every family. The same types of things are humorous to siblings.....and their humor comes from at least one of the parental units. The sick humor is passed to the next generation as well. Get my siblings and any of my nieces sparring in a battle of wits and we'll be rolling in the floor before too long.

Most people don't realize that we are truly this funny. Maybe it's because our humor is too high-brow for others. Maybe we're not as funny as we think. Perhaps we don't allow others to witness our unrestrained humor. (There's the most likely situation.....we have to maintain our reputation, after all!) Don't get me wrong, we're not filthy with our humor. Our jokes are never intended to hurt anyone. Most of the time, we're making fun of each other or some stupid family trait that we all share.

Humor has become part of our healing process. Over the years we've had much to recover from....and we've found that laughter brings us together and reminds us that joy comes after pain. Whether I find myself living among the Crazies or spending extended time in my personal Geriatric ward, one thing is certain: the roaring laughter indicates that there is love, hope, and joy just around the corner.

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