Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Blog?

Over the past few weeks, I have been surprised at the number of times I have been asked what the point of blogging is. Many people seem surprised that there are actually people in the blogosphere who take the time to read random posts. Beyond that, they don't seem to understand that some people ENJOY reading the thoughts of another person......whether they are writing professionally or personally. For me, it's not necessarily about who reads the posts (although that is fun and hope that my audience continues to grow); instead I'm more encouraged by the benefits I see in my own life.

Blogging helps me to organize my thoughts. In order to clearly express something in words, one must first take the time to sit and think about the topic to be discussed. As I think about what seems random concepts to someone else, I begin to see patterns as well as cause and effect relationships emerge. As I organize my thoughts, things often lead to the next benefit.

Blogging often reveals solutions. While organizing my thoughts to share with another, I begin to see things from a fresh viewpoint. Puzzles begin to untangle themselves and the solution becomes vividly clear. I don't believe that there is something supernatural occurring when I blog; I think I finally sit still long enough and find a calming release in the writing process that leads to the "light bulb" moment.

Blogging sharpens my writing skills. As a musician, I have repeatedly heard that "practice makes perfect." Why do I fight against this same concept in other areas of life? I want to become a stronger writer? Practice writing! It's not always about the topic either. When I can effectively communicate a message just by crafting a story about the mundane parts of my life, my strength as a writer -- and by extension, as a lecturer and group facilitator -- grows exponentially.

Blogging provides a scrapbook. I enjoy looking back from time to time and remembering emotions, thoughts, successes and failures. My blog is a public diary in a way. I invite whoever wants to keep up with things in my world to follow along, but I know that my main interest is in processing my day and writing what's on my mind at the moment. It's always fun when a thought or situation sparks a memory of something I have written about and I get to return to the post and read again.

That's why I love to blog personally. There are many benefits a well-written blog has for business, civic, and religious organizations. But that will be a discussion for another day and another time. Maybe tomorrow....maybe next year. Either way, I'll be guided by my thoughts and interests and continue to blog for my personal pleasure as I continue Livin' Life.

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