Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Doctor's Office

Sitting in the doctor's offer is never a pleasant experience. When you're here, you normally are not feeling well or you are caring for a loved one. When you're under the weather, you patience is low. As I sit here now, my head is pounding from congestion, my nose is running and I'm miserable. Imagine my happiness when I sit down and there are two cute little girls (under normal circumstances) here for their physicals to start kindergarten. Their guardians are permitting the kids to rule the waiting room and they are EXTREMELY loud! To make matters worse, they are giving them sugar and taking pictures of them being "cute."

When I don't feel well, I get cranky. There's no other explanation. I don't want to deal with anyone. I want everyone to shut up and leave me alone. (If you are reading this, it might be a good time to say a prayer for the students in my night class tonight. It should be a relatively easy night, but you never can tell for sure when I'm in this condition.)

I suppose how I'm feeling is my own fault. I've been fighting this congestion in my head and chest for a week now. Since there was no sore throat or discoloration (TMI?), I thought I could treat it myself with OTC medications. After all, I don't have health insurance since I only have part-time jobs, so I try to save money when I can. It's not the way I really like to live, but it's the choice I have to make. This morning at 4am I began counting down the hours to the office's opening! My head feels like an elephant is trying to escape through my ears and nose, but needs an extra push. My eyes are itchy and my throat is irritated at the point that the nasal passage meets the throat. I would rather have a raw throat than this constant drip drip drip!

So that's why I sitting here in the waiting room, noticing the irony that the color scheme the office has chosen is puke green and wondering when everything was last disinfected. My mind does not always play fair in these times of sickness; I normally leave the office feeling worse than when I came in. If nothing else, I'll have some answers today and a prescription to make me feel better.

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