Thursday, August 10, 2017

All Good Things....

Whether you credit the famous quote to Chaucer or a wise Grandmother, the sentiment still rings true -- "All good things must come to an end." So the end of my extended vacation is finally coming to an end. I will begin the journey back to west Texas on Sunday morning. 

This summer has seen moments of laughter and tears. I was thrilled to find my mother regaining her strength and coming through the first of her scheduled cataract surgeries without complication. (The second surgery is scheduled for Monday morning.) I have laughed with family, friends I miss dearly, and former students. I have watched hopes dashed and trust betrayed. I have cried with some who had to say goodbye to loved ones who were called to their Heavenly reward suddenly. Prayers for healing have filled my home as my parents and I learned of friends young and old who are in the fights of their lives against brutal illnesses. The Geriatric Ward has seen lively discussions, exciting adventures, and plans for the future.  I have struggled with personal health complications related to hands, neck, back, and ankles at various times throughout the summer. My mind has been relaxed as I enjoyed trips to new locales on the pages of treasured books and my spirit has been refreshed as I was able to spend extra time in prayer and study of the Word. All in all, it has been an eventful and fulfilling summer.....but it is now time to get back to work.

As much as I don't want to leave the Geriatric Ward and the comforts of home right now, I look forward to the adventures that await me in the coming academic year.  Let the adventure begin......

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