Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hits and Misses (October 6-12)

I hope you all enjoyed a more relaxed Monday because of the Columbus Day holiday.  Even if you didn't get off work, I hope you were able to relax a bit.  Since I was on holiday on Monday, I decided to push this week's Hits and Misses back.  Here's a look back at the week that was.


  • The best thing about this week is that I finally began to feel slightly better. Less pain is always a good thing.
  • Thursday is usually an incredibly busy day for me with lots of playing. This week, Thursday was the first day of break at Union.  I thoroughly enjoyed a day of sleeping, resting, and unwinding.
  • I had the pleasure of meeting the gentlemen who comprise the 31st pledge class of the Psi Upsilon fraternity via Skype.  It was nice to reminisce about my own pledging experience (20 years ago!) and to see that many of the traditions carry on today. I'm hoping to make a brief visit to Malibu before the pledging process is over. 
  • I will never understand students. Even after a review that specifically addressed each question on the exam, over 1/2 of those enrolled in my classes failed a multiple choice test. Really? I think they almost had to try to fail that one. I'm becoming more and more convinced that ignorance is incredibly difficult to overcome.
  • After teaching a morning of classes, I headed to the airport on Friday afternoon. I learned that my flight was going to be delayed. I was in no hurry; it was no big deal. As I sat in the airport, I became extremely ill.  Things got so bad that the airline rescheduled my flights for the following morning in hopes that I would feel better.  I was sick throughout the night and was unable to make the trip to Los Angeles that I had been looking forward to for several weeks.
Things didn't turn out as I had hoped. All in all, the week was rather disappointing. I'm hoping that this week, things begin to turn around.

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