Friday, February 15, 2013

Whatever Happened to Integrity?

I like to think that I am a trusting person. I always hope that I can take people at their word. Unfortunately that's not always the case. I am reminded on a regular basis that many people do not place the same value on truthfulness and honesty that I do. It's in those moments that I find myself renewing my own commitment to personal integrity.

The lack of integrity comes in many forms. My parents and I were expecting a repairman to arrive at our home yesterday. As the time slot we were quoted began to end, Mom finally called only to be informed that they decided not to come. There was no apology and no phone call. They simply were not coming. I don't know which upsets me more -- the lack of integrity or the poor customer service.

While grading a stack of student journal entries, I came across one that clearly was not the work of the student. I read the entire document, hoping to find a reference to a source or material that was obviously her own. When it became clear that no effort was made to give credit where credit was due, I decided to submit the paper to for an originality check. The result was shocking to me:  90% of the document was verbatim from one of four websites. (Just so you can all understand my frustration, allow me to explain the assignment. Students were to write ONE PAGE on ANY TOPIC OF THEIR CHOOSING! They were merely being graded on putting their opinions on paper. The assignment is worth 10 points.)

The student who will cheat to earn 10 points will become the employee who will lie to earn a promotion. The service provider who doesn't make a call canceling an appointment will also be the person who is unreliable when more substantial issues are on the line. The level of integrity in many areas of our society is on a downward slope. As it becomes more acceptable to bend the truth, the Christian's commitment to personal integrity is more important and sets us apart as different. May our truthfulness in all matters be a example to the world and bring honor to the One who is Truth.

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